GW 129/S 129 online seminars for safety during construction work in the area of networks

Training contents based on the Technical Codes of Practice DVGW GW 129 (A) / VDE-AR-N 4224 / DWA-M 129 / AGFW-A FW 606

  • Online training with Schaufelmann certificate

  • Theoretical training with 3-year validity*

* Time limit analogous to the requirement of DVGW Code of Practice GW 129

More safety for employees
Reduction of the risk of damage
Proof of qualification when awarding contracts

GW 129/S 129 online seminars for safety during construction work in the area of networks

GW129 Seminar mit 3jähriger Gültigkeit von der Firma Schaufelmann für Ausführende, Aufsichtspersonen und Arbeitsvorbereitende

Training contents based on the Technical Codes of Practice DVGW GW 129 (A) / VDE-AR-N 4224 / DWA-M 129 / AGFW-A FW 606

  • Online training with Schaufelmann certificate
  • Theoretical training with 3-year validity*

* Time limit analogous to the requirement of DVGW Code of Practice GW 129

More safety for employees
Reduction of the risk of damage
Proof of qualification when awarding contracts

What participants say about our seminars

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For operatives, supervisors and those preparing the work:

Online seminar with Schaufelmann certificate
Theoretical training with a validity of 3 years*
Practical reference with picture and video examples

* Time limit analogous to the requirement of DVGW Code of Practice GW 129

During earthworks and civil engineering work, excavations can cause a lot of damage and ruin your business.

Lines and equipment are damaged
Employees are injured
Public supply is interrupted
Third parties are harmed

We know that operatives, supervisors and planners who carry out construction work on pipelines and supply systems bear a great responsibility and are exposed to an increased risk.

And we understand how important it is to educate workers about the dangers and provide helpful tips on how to avoid damage/injuries.

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Employees receive the qualification certificate with a validity of 3 years that is often required by clients with the Schaufelmann GW 129/S 129 seminars *

(theory training without practical part)

The seminar "Safety during work in the area of networks - operatives, supervisors and persons preparing work: requirements and qualification" is based on the training contents of the Technical Rules:

  • DVGW GW 129 (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V.)
  • VDE-AR-N 4224 (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V.)
  • DWA-M 129 (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.)
  • AGFW-AFW 606 (Der Energieeffizienzverband für Wärme, Kälte und KWK e.V.)
The provider and executing company of the training courses provided on this website is Schaufelmann GmbH. There is no legal or contractual connection between Schaufelmann GmbH and the above-mentioned associations.
Targeted instruction
Expert knowledge from a trainer with many years of experience in the profession of pipeline construction with a focus on civil engineering.
Qualified employees
Raising awareness and imparting important knowledge for safe and effective work.
Verifiable qualification
After passing the test, participants receive the Schaufelmann® certificate for presentation to the client.
Register now
GW129-Trainer Cüneyt Er ist Sachverständiger im Rohrleitungsbau und Experte für Sicherheit bei Bauarbeiten im Bereich von Netzanlagen
"An answer to every question!"
The experience of the trainer is extremely important for the quality of a seminar.

As a certified expert for pipeline construction, our trainer looks back on over 25 years of practical experience in the profession of pipeline construction with a focus on civil engineering. With his wide-ranging expertise, he is happy to answer the questions of the participants.

Overview of the most important qualifications of the trainer:

Certified expert in Bundesverband Deutscher Sachverständiger und Fachgutachter e.V. (BDSF)

ndustrial foreman - specialising in pipeline construction
Certified site foreman in the area of civil engineering
International welding expert
PE welding supervisor according to GW 331
PE welder GW 330
Several years of experience as senior project manager in pipeline, plant and tank construction
Expert for corrosion protection on pipelines

Our training courses

Theoretical training

Valid for 3 years*
approx. 7 hours including breaks (09:00 -16:00)

Per person 209,00 € **

* time limit analogous to the requirements of DVGW Worksheet GW 129;
** plus VAT
Legal aspects, damage evaluations
Work preparation, network information, plans, location of lines
On-site investigation activities, hand excavation
Communications cables, power cables, natural gas pipes, district heating
Water and waste water pipes, measurement and signal cables
Indications about the location of pipelines in the ground
Dangers arising from damage
Advanced knowledge in the area of RSA 21 and ASR A5.2
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Training date

Art der Schulung
19 Feb. 2025
Art der Schulung
9:00 - 16:00
27 Feb. 2025
Art der Schulung
9:00 - 16:00
05 Mar. 2025
Art der Schulung
9:00 - 16:00
12 Mar. 2025
Art der Schulung
9:00 - 16:00
19 Mar 2025
Art der Schulung
9:00 - 16:00

This is how the GW 129 online seminars work

Our online seminars take place as live training.
Using case studies, pictures and videos, participants will be made aware of construction work on supply lines and systems.
Questions from the participants are answered directly by the trainer.

Participation in the GW 129 online seminar takes place via the Zoom meeting platform. The access data will be sent with explanations for participation after registration.

Participants need individual workstation equipment with PC or notebook, each with loudspeaker, microphone and video camera.

There is a multiple choice online test at the end of the online training. After passing the test, participants receive the Schaufelmann® certificate as proof of qualification with a validity of 3 years for presentation to clients.

It is very simple to obtain the qualification certificate

1. Register for an online seminar
Use the registration form to book the seminar places for yourself or your employees for the available dates.
2. Participate in the training
You will receive the access data for the online seminar and learn all important information about safety during construction work on supply lines and systems during the GW 129 seminar.
3. Receive certificate
With the personal certificate, which can be presented to clients as proof of qualification, employees can prove that they have taken part in the training.

Frequently asked questions

Why is the qualification certificate so important?
Every year in Germany, damage to supply lines and systems caused by work machinery runs into hundreds of millions of euros. Here, it is important to raise the awareness of the persons carrying out the work in order to avoid damage to property and personal injuries as well as loss of supply. The qualification is part of the cross-sector Technical Rule "Building Companies for Underground Line Construction - minimum Requirements" (e.g. DVGW GW 381) and is often demanded by clients in tenders as part of a voluntary commitment.
Which persons are concerned?
Safety during construction work in the vicinity of supply and disposal systems always concerns all persons involved in the construction.

On the one hand, the seminar is intended for operatives and supervisors who carry out machine-supported activities in the immediate vicinity of supply lines and systems. This also includes machine-supported work for agriculture, forestry, landscaping and horticulture. Regular training, including testing, should therefore also be given to those performing and supervising these areas of activity.

Obtaining full plan information, fully preparing risk assessments and verifiable instruction of personnel contribute significantly to the way in which the work can be carried out safely. Therefore, work schedulers should also receive regular training and testing.

The GW 129 seminar is also recommended for persons who carry out activities not involving machinery in the immediate vicinity of supply lines and systems. This particularly applies when they assist the machine operators.
How do I book an appointment for the online seminars?
The participation fee must be paid at the latest 1 day before the start of the training. If the participant is prevented from attending on the day of the seminar, it is possible to rebook for one of the other public online seminars free of charge. Substitution is also possible and does not involve any additional costs.........
The participation fee must be paid at the latest 1 day before the start of the training. If the participant is prevented from attending on the day of the seminar, it is possible to rebook for one of the other public online seminars free of charge. Substitution is also possible and does not involve any additional costs.
By when must I have paid? What happens if I cannot participate?
The participation fee must be paid no later than 1 day before the start of the seminar. If the participant is unable to attend on the day of the seminar, it is possible to rebook onto one of the other public online seminars free of charge. Substitution is also possible at no additional cost.

When does the training begin? When should I be online?
On the training day, participants log in via the ZOOM software about 30 minutes before the start of the training with their full first and last name and the provided password. The online seminar starts after the attendance check and briefing of the participants.

What is the procedure on the training day?
The relevant topics are brought to the point using practical case studies and a pinch of "humour". During a period of approx. 7 hours, there will be several breaks of 10 minutes and a lunch break of 30 minutes, as well as the online test (multiple-choice test). Questions from participants can be asked verbally or via chat at any time during the training. The trainer will be happy to answer these questions.

How do I receive the certificate?
After participating in the seminar and passing the multiple-choice online test, participants receive the certificate as proof of qualification by e-mail. On request, the certificate can be sent by post for a processing and postage fee of €10.00 plus VAT.
What must I note for the online test ("multiple-choice test")?
The online exam takes place directly after the seminar. You will receive your personal access link for the exam with your booking confirmation. Prior registration is not required.
When do I need a theoretical training valid for 3 years?
We offer the theoretical training and examination with 3-year validity and Schaufelmann certificate to all interested parties who have already completed a 5-year and/or 3-year training with examination.
Theoretical training and examination may take place no more than twice in a row. After that, it is required that a training and examination with practical part with 5-year validity takes place in a training center with dredging damage demonstration facility (BSDA).
Interested parties who have not yet attended a GW 129 seminar should complete the first training and examination at a training facility with BSDA.
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...Seminars for professionals
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Schaufelmann GmbH
Sandershäuser Straße 87 b
34123 Kassel

Telefon 0561 81044099

Schaufelmann GmbH